None of these girls have been named yet, so I'll just start on the left. One of the figures I kept armed with a melee weapon (the post demanded it). So she may still be dressed a little revealing, but she looks very believable as an average woman. She has confidence with the pipe resting on her shoulder. She could be a regular girl, or a tough as nails gangsta. Note the Jamaican flag painted on her top, I like how that came out.
Next up is a hot blonde armed with two pistols (one which looks larger calibre). The original version was armed with two hammers, but I prefer the pistols.
Next up, an axe wielding chick. I copied the yellow shirt and black hair from Clearco's demo versions as I liked how they looked. The axe is also a common Zombie fighting weapon, so I left her with that.
Fourth up is the only of the group that is truly fat, but she doesn't seem to care, given the way she is dressed. I painted her with a Hispanic skin tone that I think came out well, especially considering it was my first attempt at it. Her pose is a little awkward since she I supposed to be propping up a shovel in Clearco's version. But as she is she works well as either an overly confident chick who isn't even looking at her intended target, and she'd be perfect in a hostage scenario.
The next curvy babe is a favourite of mine as Clearco sculpted her on my request. Very cool considering most sculptors will charge you $200 for that sort of service. She is a business woman or high class gangster. advancing slowly with a pistol. I am still tossing around the idea of putting another weapon in her left hand, but am not certain. I do like how her glasses came out.
The last girl isn't curvy at all, but still pretty cool. I'm not happy at all with how her legs came out (I was going for nylons, but they look too blotchy). I love her pose however, they away she has her fingers is great. She looks like she is very confident in her abilities. I even went so far as to paint her nails as so much attention was drawn to them.
Something I'm also fond of in my painting of these girls, is the three variations of blond. I used quite different methods, and think they came out pretty good.
So there you have it, quite a unique set of ladies for any modern scenario. Check out the thread I linked to above if you're interested in picking them up.
Comments are always appreciated.