Welcome to my little corner of preparations for All Things Zombie. Here you'll find my progress of painting miniatures and preparing terrain, as well as any other little nerdiness that may sprout up. Enjoy, and please comment.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Infecting Mayhem City 08 (Victory Force Zombies)

Just another quick update on my ATZ preparations.  The excuses I had for slow  painting in my last blog update (no Dhenub Stone or washers upon which to base the miniatures) have both been rectified. I have six new Zeds to add to the horde.  The pictures are a little darker than usual, but I was a little rushed, so I did not go back and retake.

The first trio is made up of the same sculpts, which is a risk you run when buying VF's zombie deal.   I didn't mind so much as it is a pretty good sculpt, and its not like I would use them side by side in a game.  Spread out on the board, one would not likely notice.  In hindsight however, I probably should have taken the time to paint at least one with African flesh.  Anyway, these are big, tough looking zombies with more than a few visible wounds.  They are still quite intact however, and look among the more fearsome zeds in the VF group.

A bit more variety in this trio.  They are a bit sloppier, and I blame some of that on the lousy spray paint I used for primer.  It had a satin finish (I think) and paint did not adhere well to the mini at all.  I really had to lay it on thick, which went a little less cleanly than I would have liked.  But in the end, they are zombies, and I feel ok with a little dirtier paintjob, especially when I can just bloody up the worst areas.

Well that is 6 more down, and I will admit that my lead pile is getting quite small.  I have a few more updates of VF zombies, but then I will be all out.  I have placed an order for Sarissa buildings, so that will be my next  project.  And since I have some WorldWorks roads to print, I may not be too far off of getting a game in, which would be a nice change.   Hopefully some battle reports would be of interest.

Anyway, until next time. Enjoy your weekend
Comments are always appreciated.


  1. Nice to see some more zeds for the horde. They all look great. I need to get my mojo back and get some of my zeds done.

    1. Thanks Brummie. I go throw bits where my motivation is down, but right now, I have a pretty good set of Zombies underway. The rest of the VF zeds are on their way.

  2. Don't worry about those same sculpts, with different paint job, its hard to spot they're the same even if you put 2 together on the board. I got my plastics and there is like 5-10 same poses per 30 :P

    When you get them all done, I think you should really start building some terrain, just to do something different, and then get back to painting the horde :)

    1. Terrain will be worked on soon, as I have buildings coming. I want to play soon, so things need to get in order.

  3. great job, i have to start painting again, i just cant seem to find the time, with the job wife and kid

    1. I understand those reasons all too well. I can't post on this blog as often as I'd like simply because I can't keep ahead in painting.

  4. Well done mate! They look gruesome indeed!!!

  5. They don't look too bad at all. Painting one of the duplicates as an African-American would have been a good idea, but that's just a minor point.

    1. Thanks VF. To be honest, I'm never too happy with how my African American zeds look, so I do less of them. I do have a few started in the upcoming set though

  6. Nice job. Those Zombies definitely work. Looking forward to seeing more and how you do the roads.

    1. Still thinking about how to handle the roads, to make so they match up nicely with Sarissa buildings.

  7. Six more done and that's a good thing. Now it's onto that road and a few buildings.

    1. Thanks Anne. Soon the city will come together.

  8. Nice job Adam, I cant say that the VF zombies sculpt wise do anything for me, but your paint work has done them justice.

    1. Many of the VF sculpts are a little weak, especially compared to man y of the other lines out there. But these 50 zombies cost me $1 each. You really can't beat that, and it was the best way to quickly get a horde started. I'll pick up some nicer Zeds to fill in now that I've got the numbers built up.

  9. I like your paint-jobs on these zeds and I personally wouldn't worry about the "duplicates" as the varying colour combos will make them blend in easily.
    Looking good

    1. Thanks Zabadak. I try to vary the colours on duplicates for exactly this reason.

  10. The figures in the first picture seem to be singing. The other three figures seem to begging that they would stop with that. :-D

    By painting them in three different colors they don't look as to be the same pose. You did a great job on all of them!

